
The Secret Doctrine Study Class – week 3 – Proem pages 10 – 16

By editor

Editor’s note: At the beginning of the class, we again reviewed the concept of the Absolute – being beyond human conception or thinking – the unfolding of evolving impulses with no causality – the causeless cause – the inbreathing and out breathing of the world with no beginning and no end – Manvantara and Pralaya are related to the term “The Great Breath” – dissolution or Pralaya is a very... Read More

Secret Doctrine Study Class (wk2) – Proem pages 3 to 10

By editor

Editor’s note: At the beginning of the class, we discussed the concept of the absolute –  being beyond human conception or thinking – the unfolding of evolving impulses with no causality – the causeless cause –  the inbreathing and out breathing of the world with no beginning and no end – It was noted that there is no great “being” behind the scene pulling the strings as in the Wizard... Read More

Secret Doctrine Study Class – week 1

By editor

Secret Doctrine study class – wk This Secret Doctrine study class is currently being held in the Toronto Theosophical Society , Ontario, Canada by a dedicated core group of students. There has been a long tradition of weekly study of The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky, in Toronto, for fifty or more years.   It takes approximately 3-4 years to study and work through the complete two volume text of... Read More



Theosophy: Literally Wisdom of the Gods has nothing at all to offer as a belief system, and everything to say about how we can gain accurate spiritual knowledge about the nature of the Self and of life. Faith is derived from a growing spiritual knowledge and depth of understanding about the meaning and purpose of existence on its several levels. Theosophy is ancient beyond measure and yet it is vibrant... Read More

Theosophical Spiritual Experience – Part 1


Theosophical Spiritual Experience Part One. Everywhere that real theosophy is going on, an atmosphere of cheerful intelligence and serious calm prevails. Theosophists come together to study, meditate and seek guidance about the challenges presented by practicing living Theosophy. The developing Theosophist is taught to pose their question in an objective and impersonal way. Usually the question begins; “is there a teaching on this kind of experience?” Theosophy discourages “excited psychism”... Read More

Buddha’s Garage Sale Of Skandhas


The more you learn about the Buddha the more you realise that he was-is the greatest Spiritual Genius who has ever lived, probably that’s why we are still talking about him over two thousand five hundred years later. Amongst the many brilliant things he realised and taught was the concept of the Skandha. In Pali and other languages at that time a Skandha referred to a bundle or heap or... Read More